What’s New
Anime “Shoshimin Series” Special Event KYOMAF eve Festival,”
Soundtrack Talk Show will be held!
The “KYOTO SOUNDTRACK FESTIVAL” is held again this year! In addition, “KYO-MAF eve Festival,” a special event for the anime “Shoshimin Series” with the cast, composer, and director, as well as Dinner Party with Soundtrack Talkshow and dinner with the popular composer Yuki Hayashi will also be held. We hope you will enjoy it as well as “KYO-MAF“.
Dates September 22 (Sun) 2024 15:30 open / 16:00 start / 21:00 close
Place Kyoto Theater
Price SSS seat:30,000 yen(tax included)
SS seat:24,000 yen(tax included)
S seat:12,000 yen(tax included)
A seat:10,000 yen(tax included)
B seat:8,000 yen(tax included)
Cast Tatsuya Kato/ Yasuharu Takanashi / Yuki Hayashi/ Takahiro Obata
*All composers

*No preschool children, free for elementary school students, tickets required for junior high school students and older.

Anime “Shoshimin Series” Special Event “KYO-MAF eve Festival”
Dates September 20 (Fri) 2024 15:30 open / 16:00 start / 18:00 close
Place Kyoto Station Square
Price Free
Cast Shuichiro Umeda(voice actor) / Takahiro Obata (composer) / Mamoru Kanbe (director) etc.
Dinner Party with Soundtrack Talkshow
Dates September 20 (Fri) 2024 18:00 open / 18:30 start / 21:00 close
Price 30,000 yen (tax included) 
*Includes talk show and dinner
*Includes special seats for “KYO-MAF eve Festival”.
Cast Yuki Hayashi(composer)etc.