If you like Kyoto, manga and anime!
If you want to see popular voice actors on stage!
If you want to buy original manga, anime merchandise!
If you want to catch up with the latest manga, anime news!
Latest news on anime titles. Character panels, images and other exhibitions, merchandise, mini events and many more.
Food and drink collaborations with popular titles. Special gifts prepared for the users.
Talk events hosting voice actors and creators revealing exclusive details about the exhibiting titles, music performances by popular artists and more.
KYOMAF’s main venue. Publishers, anime production companies, TV stations and educational institutions are presenting their new releases through exhibitions, stage events and more. The venue holds manga/anime related food corner, merchandise area and other organizers projects as well. Stage events are held both here and at the ROHM Theatre Kyoto.
The venue for special manga/anime related exhibitions and family oriented events. The details differ each year.